Sycamore JHS


School-Based Services


Student emotional and mental health services are provided on-site during school hours through the Counseling Center at NO COST to the student.  The Counseling Center is located in the 500-building behind the Administrative Building.  Students may be referred for services by concerned peers, family members, teachers, administration, or by student request.

Services offered include individual and group therapy; parental guidance and support; crisis management services; mental health education; and referrals to outside resources.  Service providers and interns at the school are trained and qualified to treat the entire spectrum of mental and emotional health issues ranging from specific cultural, economic, or social challenges of assimilating into a new school environment to a variety of longer-term issues, such as anxiety and depression.   School-based providers also frequently supply students and parents with referrals to a wide range of community-based services and/or referrals to medical or mental health professionals according to specific student needs. 

Please read the section entitled Student Privacy & Confidentiality for information regarding Anaheim Union High School District policies and student rights to confidentiality.

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